Family Services
- Children
- Civil Partnerships
- CoHabitation Agreements
- Divorce
- Domestic Abuse
- Financial Provision
- Mediation
- Pre and Post Nuptial Agreements
- Separation
- Unmarried Couples
- Children
The arrangements for your children will be your main concern and can be the most emotional part of your separation.
Although you are separating, you both remain parents. We can help you to minimise the emotional impact on your children and help to resolve any issues by helping you to focus on what is in the children’s best interests. This can be achieved by mediation, negotiation or with the assistance of the court.
Our expertise covers;
- parental responsibility,
- step parent parental responsibility,
- residence and contact issues now known as Child Arrangements,
- specific issue orders,
- prohibited steps orders,
- removal from the jurisdiction,
- dealing with the International Child Abduction and Contact Unit,
- applications by grandparents,
- financial provision for children,
- Schedule 1 Children Act applications
- Civil Partnerships
Our experience covers the 2 aspects of civil partnerships;
a) Agreements before entering into a civil partnership
b) Assisting to resolve issues following the breakdown of a civil partnership
Cohabitation Agreements
Whilst a Cohabitation Agreement may seem unromantic, it can save a lot of upset, time and money in the event of the breakdown of the relationship. It is sensible to plan ahead, with the hope you will never need it.
It is difficult to make the decision your marriage has irretrievably broken down, or to be told that by your spouse. We will discuss the best options available to you and provide efficient, constructive and sensitive advice.
We can deal with the paperwork for you, or help you through the process yourself.
Domestic Abuse
Domestic Abuse should never be tolerated but it is often difficult to admit that it is happening to you.
We will help you to deal with protecting yourself and your children, providing the earliest possible appointment and arranging for an immediate attendance at court for an emergency order if required.
Financial Provision
One of the most common concerns is how you will be able to survive financially after separation.
No two cases are the same but the need for full financial disclosure is the same in every case.
Once your financial position has been identified and understood, we will advise you of the options available in your case. This advise is unique to you and will cover possible outcomes, potential fees and how best to conduct the case to your advantage whether through mediation, negotiation or with the help of the court.
We will advise where it is necessary to have the assistance of experts such as accountants, valuers or barristers.
We have experience of all size of financial cases, sometimes the most difficult is where there are little liquid assets and significant debts.
We have particular expertise in high value cases, family businesses and foreign assets.
We can help you with;
- property adjustment orders,
- lump sum orders,
- periodical payments for you,
- periodical payments for your children,
- school fees orders,
- pension sharing orders,
- freezing assets,
- setting aside dispositions or transfers,
- enforcing orders,
- varying orders,
- capitalising maintenance payments,
- Pre and Post Nuptial Agreements
It is often said such agreements are neither romantic nor enforceable.
In English law they are not recognised in the same way as other jurisdictions, such as America. However, S25 Matrimonial Causes Act 1973 requires the court to consider the existence of such an agreement, amongst other factors. This area of law is currently changing and recent cases have seen the courts enforce the terms of these agreements.
As for being unromantic, practical steps rarely are. The preparation of such a document should become one of the standard steps taken in wedding preparations.
We can help you to reach an agreement either through mediation for both of you or negotiation on your behalf. We can then draft the document which can help to preserve pre acquired or inherited assets and help to minimise the distress in the event of the unfortunate breakdown of your relationship.
It is not unusual for parties to separate but not wish to have divorce proceedings straight away, or at all. A separation Agreement can help to regulate all aspects of your separation, whether arrangements for your children or your finances both in the short term and in the event of a future divorce.
We can help you to negotiate the terms of your separation in a constructive, non confrontational way and then draft the documents for you.
Unmarried Couples
It is not unusual for couples to choose to live together, rather than marry. Those relationships are as committed, often involving children, joint assets and liabilities. On the breakdown of such relationships, the law that is applied is very different to that of married couples. The concept of the common law spouse, is a myth.
We can help you at all stages of your relationship, whether at the start with a cohabitation agreement or in the event of a breakdown. The law in this area is complex and we have experience of guiding couples through whether by mediation or with the assistance of the court.